„On an electric motorbike from Morocco to Cape Town, Interviewing Changemakers, Inspiring Youth, Promoting Action for positive Change. […]
Dulcie is the social media, content and operations coordinator for AfricaX. […] As a young African and changemaker she brings an inspiring perspective to the expedition as well as a burning desire to help young people on the continent discover their potential.
Thomas has worked as a serial entrepreneur, speaker, coach and author [and] has mentored West African and German startups and Youth projects.“
Im Interview sprechen Dulcie und Thomas über ihre Tour auf dem E-Motorrad zu Entrepreneurs in einigen afrikanischen Ländern, wie sie miteinander ausgekommen sind, über Rituale, Zuhause und Glaubenssätze.
Das Buch zur Reise: AfricaX – Plugged In: Travelling Africa Overland With An Electric Motorbike
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